Romania has a modern telephone network of landlines and mobile (cell) phones. It’s possible to receive and make direct international calls from anywhere in the country. Romania’s country code is 40.
All Romanian landline numbers have 10 digits, consisting of a zero, plus a city code and the number.
The formula differs slightly depending on whether the number is in Bucharest or outside Bucharest. Bucharest numbers take the form: 0 + two-digit city code (21 or 31) + seven-digit number. Outside Bucharest, numbers take the form: 0 + three-digit city code + six-digit number.
Mobile-phone numbers can be identified by a three-digit prefix starting with 7. All mobile numbers have 10 digits: 0 + three-digit prefix (7xx) + six-digit number.
Calling Within Romania
If you are calling from within Romania, to reach a landline outside Bucharest, dial 0 + three-digit city code + six-digit number.
To reach a landline in Bucharest, dial 0 + 21 (or 31) + seven-digit number.
To reach any mobile number, dial 0 + three-digit mobile prefix + six-digit number.